By Anonymous - 19/07/2015 06:49 - United Kingdom - Middlewich

Today, I was talking to my friend, who was telling me he's having suicidal thoughts lately. He then said he'd be back in a few minutes. Nearly an hour passed. I panicked, thinking he'd offed himself. Several minutes after I called the emergency services, he messaged me, saying "K, back." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 442
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jimmer23 21

Good friend. And they have help for people having suicidal thoughts, you probably helped him out quite a bit anyways.


Why were you texting instead of calling?

Because sometimes putting how you're feeling in that situation into written text instead of spoken word. I know when I felt that way, I was afraid and terrified to speak to my best friend about it. I could only use written communication.

Redgy22 26

How can ANYONE put YDI? There are some really sick people on here. OP, I'm sorry you had to go through this, but it's better than going through a funeral. I know, because my son committed suicide. There were no signs or phone calls. You absolutely did the right thing. Your action may be just what your friend needed to truly realize he's not alone.

I am so sorry for your loss. Whatever your son was going through, he's in a better place now. You're a brave person. Keep it up.

I don't claim to know everything about suicide, but if someone is telling you that- they need help. Bigger than you as a friend. They need to talk to someone who is qualified. Never feel bad. You may save a life.

You definately did the right thing, OP. Even though your friend didnt bump himself off, make sure that he does get the help he needs. Suicide is nothing to take lightly and your friend is very lucky to have a caring, loving friend like you. I hope you follow up with good news for your friend, not to say that finding out he's physically okay after calling an ambulance isn't good news, but you know what I mean. Prayers and best wishes to your friend.

That's not your fault at all. You were being a good friend

You're a good friend and they should feel lucky to have you in their life. That was the right thing to do in such a situation. Good job.