By oldtimerclark - 21/06/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I was talking to my only grandson about how I was going to the dentist to get my teeth fixed and how it was going to cost a lot of money, he replied saying "Who cares, you're going to die soon anyways". FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 603
You deserved it 3 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow thats ****** up, I would have beat his ass, just to prove you still got the fight in ya.


how does a grandparent know about fml and use it?

THIS is where society is heading? I would've thought LITTLE KIDS, at least, held some respect for other people, and especially their elders. **** this world, and **** the people who make it unbearably miserable. You're the grandmother; I hope you got out the belt and whipped the kid's ass, OR washed his mouth out with a bar of soap.

klovemachine 24

What type of grandparent uses FML? Obviously a cool one.

XxHoodieBearxX 5

Heehee grandparents on fml

izzybizzy3098 3

am i the only one on here excited that a grandma is FMLing?

1098765432 0

Well he is so dam right though...