By Shamu - 14/02/2009 00:15 - United States

Today, I was talking to my parents about feeling insecure with my "beach body" as Spring Break keeps getting closer and closer. My dad warned me by saying, "Don't wear a gray swimsuit. People will try to roll you back into the ocean". FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 494
You deserved it 8 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf_fml 0

oh, gosh. dads are always so sensitive.


bigraws23 0

ROFLMAO!!!!!! I love your dad

livinmylifelol 0

LOLOLOLOL. that's so funny!! I feel bad for laughing but this is my favorite FML ever!!

HAHA! give your dad a high 5 for me! sorry, but that is hilarious!

is_this_a_joke 0

I agree with #71 and #73...YDI for being a FATASS..your dad is freakin awesome

if you weren't so hideously fat you're dad wouldn't have said that in the first place. Mhmm perhaps you should take this life experience and instead of going to the beach and being lazy during spring break you should go for a jog or something you fat ****.

HAHAH funny dad, yea but ppl don have to be so mean YDI though, being fat is your own fault

so I know it's bad, but ur dad is funny lmfao