By _1CrazyEyes1_ - 07/04/2015 23:57 - Virgin Islands, U.S.
_1CrazyEyes1_ tells us more.
OP here. First off I am a girl. Second we were talking on the phone so it was not as awkward as it could have been. The awkward thing is that she didn't really approve of my relationship at first and still is getting adjusted to the idea. She kind of just laughed it off but I couldn't tell if it was an awkward silence laugh or a funny laugh.
Top comments
Calm down, Oedipus.
Haha those situations are the best. My sister did that once. Said "I love you" to one of her college professors while on the phone. At least it was your mom. :p
What did you mom say maybe she got the wrong idea
What's wrong with that, i greet my brother and cousin by calling them "sexy man". Should've blew her a kiss just to top it off and make it even more awkward!
I don't really see this as much of an FML.
OP here. First off I am a girl. Second we were talking on the phone so it was not as awkward as it could have been. The awkward thing is that she didn't really approve of my relationship at first and still is getting adjusted to the idea. She kind of just laughed it off but I couldn't tell if it was an awkward silence laugh or a funny laugh.
Wait if your a girl why did you say girlfriend on the fml?
You know, there's these really cool people called "Lesbians". They are actually women who love other women! Shocking right??!!
#57 You remind me of MangaMinx.
hey! I've done something similar! my friend swapped my wife and my moms numbers around when my wife and i were just dating. i answered hey sexy, whatcha wearin? what made it worse was my mom went with it!
When we were in college, my brother was dating a girl at home while we went to school two hours away. We hung out all the time, but I went to study abroad the first semester of our senior year. When I came back, every time I spoke to my brother via text or phone he'd call me "Babe" on accident, and he still does it occasionally. It was so awkward at first, but now I just snicker and move on.

I would've just avoided her for the rest of the day... But seriously I'm sure she understands
Nothing wrong with loving your mother... Too much.