By _1CrazyEyes1_ - 07/04/2015 23:57 - Virgin Islands, U.S.
_1CrazyEyes1_ tells us more.
OP here. First off I am a girl. Second we were talking on the phone so it was not as awkward as it could have been. The awkward thing is that she didn't really approve of my relationship at first and still is getting adjusted to the idea. She kind of just laughed it off but I couldn't tell if it was an awkward silence laugh or a funny laugh.
Top comments
The only thing I can think to do after that is to laugh it off.
Don't worry bro, I've done the same thing but with my father and I just kept talking hoping he didn't hear it. It's crazy the habits you form huh?
My mom would just shrug it off and never think on it again.
Agreed. I'd look at my mom like "well that was weird," then we'd laugh and not think of it again. No big deal.
My mom probably would have laughed... My dad, well, let's not go there.
If your moms name was Barbara you could have said "Babera" and faked an NY accent. You're mom might think it's weird but hey confusion averted.
Wow bad grammar on my part. *your
Considering it says OP is a female... I feel as though it's easier to laugh it off. My mom would get a kick out of it if I did that.
I do this to my younger sister all the time. It's kinda embarrassing, but she'll just give me a weird look and we'll laugh it of. I'm from Denmark, so some people think that it is lame to use the english word babe for your girl/boyfriend. I still do it anyway.
Lmao that's so wrong :D

I would've just avoided her for the rest of the day... But seriously I'm sure she understands
Nothing wrong with loving your mother... Too much.