By _1CrazyEyes1_ - 07/04/2015 23:57 - Virgin Islands, U.S.
_1CrazyEyes1_ tells us more.
OP here. First off I am a girl. Second we were talking on the phone so it was not as awkward as it could have been. The awkward thing is that she didn't really approve of my relationship at first and still is getting adjusted to the idea. She kind of just laughed it off but I couldn't tell if it was an awkward silence laugh or a funny laugh.
Top comments
and then??
it could have been worse;) it could have been your father ?
My husband has called his Mom & Sister "Dear/Honey/Darling" out of habit of calling me any of these wonderful names all the time! My Mother-In-Law just laughs every time, but my Sister-In-Law gets really angry when he accidentally does it! She gets angry not at the name, but at the fact that my husband then apologizes to me! She is a 33 yr. old spinster that has never had a relationship of any kind! It explains her anger at love! But my message to OP is laugh it off! It's kinda good that your Mom could hear that you love your partner! Even if it was an accident!
Calm down #60, exclamation marks don't grow on trees! (just kidding use them all you like)
Don't feel bad. I was talking to my brother on the phone one day. We said goodbye and hung up. Before I could turn around the phone rang, I answered and heard by brother say, "I love you too" and busted out laughing. Out of habit from talking to my wife I said it to him. The scary part is I am a purchasing agent and I talk to vendors on the phone all day long. Sometimes I wonder if I have ever slipped up with one of them.
I answered my boss once with a "Yes Dear". My boss. Awkward.

I would've just avoided her for the rest of the day... But seriously I'm sure she understands
Nothing wrong with loving your mother... Too much.