By me - 04/08/2012 19:14 - Canada - Debert

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to ride a bike with no training wheels. After comforting her and assuring her that she'd be fine, I gave her a big push. She fell forward over the handlebars and scraped her chin on the front wheel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 196
You deserved it 26 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think she's gona let you teach her again

Mikeskinner 7

Dear god, don't worry OP! It was an accident and you both learned from it, don't worry! I'm sure you haven't scarred her! (:


Freak accidents happen all the time. Just don't give a big push next time.

cool987654321 0

Well she'll be fine. Next time ride with her a bit.. Stay by her side until it looks like she's doing it well enough. :-)

It probably won't be the last time she falls off. She'll get the hang of it and forget all about falling the first time. It's all part of growing up.

Sounds identical to something that happened to me on Christmas morning when I got my first bike.

I think everyone fell at least once while trying to learn how to ride a bike. I remember that after successfully getting rid of the training wheels i fell on my face and almost broke my nose , run into a parked car,..etc hh so it's normal op

Tikmysta 20

HAHAHAHA, I got a scar on my chin from falling off a bike when I was 4. Scarred for life, emotionally at least JK, I got 3 daughters so I feel you broyher