By laughing-stock - 02/09/2013 21:40 - United Kingdom - Swindon

Today, I was telling my brother about how my new colleagues and I don't share a sense of humour. He replied, "What, you mean they don't pretend to laugh at your jokes like everybody else?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 928
You deserved it 6 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Don't take it to heart, OP. That's just the kind of thing siblings say to each other. I'm sure you're funny enough!

Your brother seems to share the same sense of Humor with them

ur brother could be joking.don't take it to heart.

iGiveNoDamn 14

Seems your brother shares their sense of humor.

Shit happens , not that big of a deal not everyones going to think ur funny .

Generally you can tell when someone is fake laughing but damn OP burn by the brother. I hope he's just picking.

perdix 29

Just assume that you are the funny one and you work with a bunch of humorless stiffs. Oh, you're British, make that "humourless." It's better to think like that than ruin your delusion about being funny. Trust me on that one ;)

Epikouros 31

Maybe your humour is too intellectual and your colleagues prefer slapstick. Try pouring salt in your boss's tea, or balancing a bucket of water on top of a door.

Time to get a joke book...or maybe just not tell'll find a way to be humorous just don't hurt yourself...