By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 11:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I was the designated driver. It was also my birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 199
You deserved it 5 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully you'll still get *musical note* birthday sex, birthday sex *musical note*.


How rude are your friends! obviously not good friends ditch em?

HighasaCloud 46

Yeah I'll willing to bet money that it doesn't bother you because you either don't drink or are pregnant (I can't see gender if it's clarified.) Why else would you agree to such a thing? You simply realized that the notion of being a DD on your own birthday sounds horrible because of how many people you know that drink and would never put up with it, so you thought it would make a good story and posted it here.