By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 11:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I was the designated driver. It was also my birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 199
You deserved it 5 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully you'll still get *musical note* birthday sex, birthday sex *musical note*.


lacey6195 4

well u could always pull out the cam corder and record ur friends being stupid...hello YouTube!!!

Drive them to the wrong place and when they wake up the next morning and they're all like "Where are we" Say "Well, that's what you get for not letting me drink on my birthday BITCH!" Then drive off and let them fend for themselves with a hangover!

Kvinnohelvete 0

WHY is people such push-overs? WHY? Tell your goddamn friends no. (Drink like there is no tomorrow is also an option)

should have told them to screw themselves and stayed home

sissyaspen 0

that happened to me on my birthday! it was terrible

u should always be the first to get wasted that way no one will ask you to be DD.

dude just don't drive and take a cab...

OP is clearly the only one with a car.

you know what? drink anyways and let ur friends pay for there own cab. the next morning u simply pick up ur car