By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 11:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I was the designated driver. It was also my birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 199
You deserved it 5 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully you'll still get *musical note* birthday sex, birthday sex *musical note*.


justanotherbird 19

Gosh, I have a lame friend just like that. Two years ago for my birthday we were going to this club to celebrate. I asked her if she wanted to take separate cars, since she usually leaves earlier than everyone else. She insists that she wants to come in our car so she could drink, so all four of us load up and go. We get there around 10:30. About an hour later she starts whining about how she is tired because "it's late" and continues to whine and ruin the party until we drive her home. She also leaves early for everyone elses birthday parties EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME saying "Oh, I have work at 10:30." Then, when her birthday rolls around, she asks everyone to take off work the next day for it. Yeah, not happening. :| FYL OP, get better friends for next year, that's what I did!

missIrene 6

I've been there. But consider the alternative of you, or someone you care about, getting seriously injured or killed because no one was responsible enough to be the DD. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but I'd count your blessings that you all got home safe. Oh, and find better friends. ;p

structuredchaoz 4

You may have saved your own life. Heres your sign.

well.....Happy Birthday!? kinda got the sucky end of that deal

mikaylaraymond 0

they arent good friends then.... happy birthday hope you had a good day other then that

papidrew16 0

your friends can suck a. fat one