By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 11:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I was the designated driver. It was also my birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 199
You deserved it 5 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully you'll still get *musical note* birthday sex, birthday sex *musical note*.


haz happened to me as well and it sucks

I know how you feel ! That happened to me last night two.

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

One up them by leaving when they are all shit-faced.

at least you are doing a good thing for your friends

beerisnot4kids 0

what does OP stand for? btw I'm not stupid I just don't know what it stands for -_-

original poster the first person to post it .

twisted54 1

you shoulda got drunk and went home with some strange and left their sorry asses at the club...

chasity_27 2

don't feel bad OP; I too was the designated diver on my 21st birthday shit's a bummer...

Ktay311 0

Maybe OP turned 17? And her friends were all old enough to drink.

They're from the UK where you can't learn to drive until you're 17, with driving on a provisional license requiring one driver (who's been qualified for 3 years) and is in a fit state to drive, meaning not intoxicated, asleep etc being in the passenger seat. If such a person were available, there's no reason they wouldn't drive so the OP could enjoy her birthday.