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By MollyMo - 21/03/2009 06:22 - United States

Today, my parents saw my report card. Now, they refuse to buy me my the new computer I've always wanted because my grades had 'slipped'. I made honor roll for three terms, and was kept off for the fourth for a single bad grade. I failed gym. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 124
You deserved it 41 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Having your grades "slip" is one thing, but FAILING gym? ydi.

To pass gym don't you have to just show up? Even if you aren't athletic all you have to do is make an ounce of effort. This feels like YDI.


all you need to do is show up where I live

yashack 0
brycereid 0
sammehsaurus 0

I feel your pain. I failed gym this semester because I didn't dress out. why not? because my teacher stole my gym clothes -_-'

i failed gym because i did serious though i got 55 as my average in gym with the comment "Lacking Effort"

danielleeycakes 3

You mean you failed P.E.? A gym is a place you go to, to work out.


Ya right. No teacher would do that unless they want to lose there job.


Shut the **** up.Everyone calls it gym so just shut up. Even the teachers.

That sucks. I'd be pissed. Gym in our school is pretty difficult. If your shoe unties during our warm-up mile jog, you can't stop to tie it:

273- Boo f*ckin' hoo. try cross country

jamieleigh_315 0
Toasty283 8

Op, my parents threatened to beat my ass AND ground me because my grades "slipped" from a 4.0 to a 3.8. FML

#280 you seem like a douche and a complainer. No one is forcing you to do cross country so don't complain

Having your grades "slip" is one thing, but FAILING gym? ydi.

Some people just are that athletic. I'm not.

I'm not sure if it's different anywhere else but 90% of my gym grade was just showing up to class. It's not hard to do

Um, some people are either injured/unfit and cannot meet some forms of a gym teacher's expectancy. I have a rare muscle condition in my calves making it hard for me to run or walk for extended periods of time, and if I push too hard my calves feel like fire and I fall. One of my gym teachers didn't believe me, so I got a doctor's note, showed it to them...and they still failed me in their class.

To pass gym don't you have to just show up? Even if you aren't athletic all you have to do is make an ounce of effort. This feels like YDI.

that depends on the teacher. my teacher marks points if you can't run fast enough

Gym is tough huh? All that exercise and socializing. I wonder why more kids don't fail...

hippityhopp 2

Hey man, my gym teacher's crazy. Last week of school, I thought it would be funny to skip while running a mile. He gave me detention and another mile to run.

DeanAshton9 0

i always hated the kids who did nothing in gym class who did nothing. All u have to do is try and u get a good grade ur an idiot.

SnuWolf 15

The kids who did nothing in gym class who did nothing?

i havent paricipated in gym class for abput 3 years now, at all, i have hypermobily so how do we know OP doesnt

If op had something that prevented them from participating then I'm sure they would be excused from gym. Being as they said they failed it seems they just didn't try and had no reason not to.

alex_vik 0

How do you fail gym? I passed ever time and I was one of the least athletic people you'd meet.

i'm with #1 your parents just proved to you that you don't have to prove yourself to them anymore. time to grow up.

You deserve it if you can't even pass gym.

That's pathetic. Gym is the easiest class.

itsme33_fml 0

yeah gym is easy, also buy your own computer.