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By sosad - 09/03/2011 22:08

Today, I was told that I will never be able to have children. Thankfully for my husband, his girlfriend sure can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 445
You deserved it 3 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WallyTheWombat 0

Leave his ass. They say divorce is hardest on the kids anyway.

he wasn't ready for kids anyways if he couldn't be bothered to commit to his wife. an irresponsible father is practically useless


FYLDeep 25

Stupid skanky people generally have the most kids. Why do you think the average intelligence level is dropping?

No shit right? I work with people that can't get simple things through their head. Sensors are almost like magic to them! I say we require an IQ test to license active breeding and sterilize the ones that are at the bottom of the scale.

An IQ test? Sterilize the others? You sound pretty stupid, yourself. I'm pretty sure that IQ has nothing to do with raising a child. God forbid, the parent be so dumb, they don't know which end of a bottle to stick in s kid's mouth, or that a diaper can't hold gallons of waste.

I am pretty sure he said it in a joking/satirical manner. Don't get so bent out of shape. :)

Point to Joshwarrior! Though I have met some people that are almost that stupid. Actually no, I'm quite intelligent, but have a satirical view on life and may even seem crazy but I aim to enjoy my life. Don't take life seriously, you won't get out alive. Lighten up and learn to take a joke, eh kiltsaresexy?

Pebbles89 9

Give the incompetent ones someone else's bratty child to deal with for 2 weeks with a social worker as a supervisor, and see how they manage, THEN decide if they should be sterilized or not, ha.

a_girl142 9

u could always get a surrogate

jmart110 0

Im sorry op. the people who want children can't have any, and the ones who don't can. Life isn't fair. And your husband is a grade a a**hole! I hope you find someone who will be there for you in this tough time.

That's so true. I was adopted and my parents wanted a big family, they even tried to adopt two more times but both fell through. My birthmother got pregnant 6 times and she didn't want any kids and tried hard not to have any. She got pregnant with my younger brother while she had an IUD and was on the pill. Proof that life isn't fair but it worked out for me, I love my parents and am glad I was adopted!

Help them raise it. Why do you have to think ME ME ME ME all the time.. Jheez

WavinSmiles 0

ur ****** stupid:/ it's not that she's being all self obsorbed their, it's her stupid husband!! and he iz having an affair so u shut ur mouth

Gondile 4

I think 44's sarcasm radar broke.

Excellent. You get a child without the pain of childbirth. Bonus!

why are you being so selfish? just because you cant have kids with him doesnt mean he shouldnt have them :) maybe he wanted kids and you cant fulfill that dream for him.. damn your ovaries and uterus!!!!

loftislover 4

he was cheating on her before they found out about not being able to have kids, she just found out! It sucks she cant have kids but he is a lying bastard for cheating on her. You don't marry someone for the sake of just having kids, its because you love them. Op I personally think you dodged a bullet with him, Who would want a child with a cheater anyway?? And look at it this way, my sister was told she couldnt have kids and she had a baby girl five years later. Sometimes doctors are wrong, and if you really cant have kids adopt. Sometimes it is better to adopt a child in need who doesn't have anyone, And please leave your asshole of a husband!! and go out and find a real man.

I know my mom couldn't have a child so she adopted me!