This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 26/11/2017 12:03 - United Kingdom - Poole

Today, I was transferred to a new, private school. Feeling rather excited, I entered my first lesson. The teacher was my older cousin who molested me repeatedly as a toddler. The school won't let me change classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121
You deserved it 3

Top comments

PhantomCrevan 8

Make an appointment to speak with the headmaster or the student counselor. If you are comfortable telling them exactly WHY you want to transfer, do so. If not, simply tell them that your cousin did something incredibly inhumane and damaging to you when you were younger, on many occasions. Tell them that you do not feel physically safe being in their class as a result, nor ARE you safe in their class, as it makes it more likely for them to be able to do what they did before, again. Also, tell them that being in their class could WILL be severely damaging to your mental health. (That said, don't say or imply suicide if there are ways for people to forcibly have someone they feel is in such a crisis put in a hospital or mental health crisis unit.) OR, if you have a psychiatrist or psychologist (I really hope you do), make an emergency appointment to see them and ask them to write a medical note or otherwise communicate the NEED to transfer you for mental health reasons. Legally, the school will then have to put you with a different teacher, since the U.K. does have laws protecting those with mental health issues, IIRC. If you can bear to tell them why you need such a note, do so. They may decide to report the cousin to some authority on 'suspicion' of abuse of minors. Particularly as it's unfortunately very likely that they have more victims or may begin grooming students as potential victims. Take care of yourself in all aspects, and worse case scenario, start a smear campaign against them for what they did, and the school for ignoring a student desperately pleading to be transferred.

How did they get a job teaching? You need to tell the school the truth about your cousin and the police to make sure they are a registered sex offender.


that is such a difficult situation to be in. if the police know about it I'm surprised he is allowed to reach though I don't know the rules on that. Does the school know why you want to be transferred? That is very very difficult, I'm sorry. Do talk to someone OP, even if it an anonymous helpline or charity like seven cups of tea.

How did they get a job teaching? You need to tell the school the truth about your cousin and the police to make sure they are a registered sex offender.

Probably because no one has reported him or investigated

PhantomCrevan 8

Make an appointment to speak with the headmaster or the student counselor. If you are comfortable telling them exactly WHY you want to transfer, do so. If not, simply tell them that your cousin did something incredibly inhumane and damaging to you when you were younger, on many occasions. Tell them that you do not feel physically safe being in their class as a result, nor ARE you safe in their class, as it makes it more likely for them to be able to do what they did before, again. Also, tell them that being in their class could WILL be severely damaging to your mental health. (That said, don't say or imply suicide if there are ways for people to forcibly have someone they feel is in such a crisis put in a hospital or mental health crisis unit.) OR, if you have a psychiatrist or psychologist (I really hope you do), make an emergency appointment to see them and ask them to write a medical note or otherwise communicate the NEED to transfer you for mental health reasons. Legally, the school will then have to put you with a different teacher, since the U.K. does have laws protecting those with mental health issues, IIRC. If you can bear to tell them why you need such a note, do so. They may decide to report the cousin to some authority on 'suspicion' of abuse of minors. Particularly as it's unfortunately very likely that they have more victims or may begin grooming students as potential victims. Take care of yourself in all aspects, and worse case scenario, start a smear campaign against them for what they did, and the school for ignoring a student desperately pleading to be transferred.