By CaptainSaveAHoe - 11/09/2012 00:42 - United States - Manteca

Today, I was trying to pass a lady with a stroller, when she nearly fell. I used my ninja-like reflexes to catch her. Too bad my ninja-like reflexes didn't block the punch that she delivered to my fap-stick for apparently being a "pervert" for saving her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 946
You deserved it 2 647

CaptainSaveAHoe tells us more.

so I planned for her to slip so I could mug her? the amount of logic in this comment is astounding.

Top comments

The word "fap-stick" will haunt me forever. Is that what you caught her with? Also autocorrect decided I meant rap-stick. Indeed.

Looks like someone has to go back to ninja school.


hahahaha! holy shit that made my day thank you. thank you so much XD!

And this is why chivalry is dying, folks. Women complain about men not being gentlemen anymore, and then they bitch when a guy does something nice. Ridiculous.

BeautyOfGrac3 6

I hope u dropped the dump bitch

the second page of my fml is mostly fail. people with strollers aren't the only dickheads, I guess. :D

snorider666 1

I would have picked myself off the ground and bitch slapped her, we live in a modern age where assault goes both ways. No longer is it illegal to defend ones self against a woman and/or strike back after such an assault.

If you are a man you will still get arrested though

With great power comes great responsibility.....

You called your penis a fap- stick.. You must be a pervert..

The_F3rris 11

All the creeps will forever Make life hard for the good Guys of this world.