By CaptainSaveAHoe - 11/09/2012 00:42 - United States - Manteca

Today, I was trying to pass a lady with a stroller, when she nearly fell. I used my ninja-like reflexes to catch her. Too bad my ninja-like reflexes didn't block the punch that she delivered to my fap-stick for apparently being a "pervert" for saving her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 946
You deserved it 2 647

CaptainSaveAHoe tells us more.

so I planned for her to slip so I could mug her? the amount of logic in this comment is astounding.

Top comments

The word "fap-stick" will haunt me forever. Is that what you caught her with? Also autocorrect decided I meant rap-stick. Indeed.

Looks like someone has to go back to ninja school.


That aughta learn ya not to touch strangers

That's the way it is now everybody paranoid of every one else. Bet most of y'all don't even know your neighbors. Tax us to death on smokes. Gas. Food and all the lotto money. All that money supposed to help out our cities. But can't even fix 70 year old storm drains or water pipes with out more taxes

I'm saying ydi for using the word "fap stick."

maybso 0

fap-stick!!!! ****** love that term lmao

I imagine this is the shitty part of being a man in this day and age. You can't just help a woman without the woman thinking that you just want sex as a reward. I feel bad for you good guys out there not getting the thanks you deserve.

YDI for being a responsible productive citizen

panther_73 7

Did you just call your penis a "fap-stick"?

I like how you call it a fap-stick... As if you are unconsciously acknowledging that all you ever do with it is jerk off, as opposed to having actual intercourse.

Note to OP: "fap-stick" is bloody brilliant and I am stealing that shit for personal use. Thank you and have a nice day! :-)