By CaptainSaveAHoe - 11/09/2012 00:42 - United States - Manteca

Today, I was trying to pass a lady with a stroller, when she nearly fell. I used my ninja-like reflexes to catch her. Too bad my ninja-like reflexes didn't block the punch that she delivered to my fap-stick for apparently being a "pervert" for saving her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 946
You deserved it 2 647

CaptainSaveAHoe tells us more.

so I planned for her to slip so I could mug her? the amount of logic in this comment is astounding.

Top comments

The word "fap-stick" will haunt me forever. Is that what you caught her with? Also autocorrect decided I meant rap-stick. Indeed.

Looks like someone has to go back to ninja school.


I'll start using the word fap-stick inmediately.

I think it's ridiculous that there is so little kindness in this world, that when we do get treated with kindness, it's perceived as flirtation or pervertedness.

I'm with you there. I often been accused of extreme flirting when I wasn't. Why? Because I said please, thank you, have a nice day, and smiling. In other words for being polite. I've even been called **** on occasion for doing it.

So she's falling but instead of trying not to fall she punches you instead in the nuts? Pretty sure she was not falling and you mixed up the situation.

No she punched him in the fapstick he didn't say nuts

ohcomeonsrsly 6

Pretty sure she punched him after she fell and he saved her.

I only made an account to say that this particular FML is full of win! "fap-stick", "ninja-like reflexes", "captainsaveahoe" hahhaaa. WIN! Indeed, your life sucks.

The FML may be full of win, but you sir are full of fail if THIS is the only FML you ever found interesting enough to make an account.

lol, probably you are right. But it says in your profile that you have recently become a commenter too. Anyway, I usually enjoy some good laugh from time to time, without commenting on things.

cmanaus 3

Right? Thank you for pointing that out!

You deserve it for calling it a fap-stick....

holllaaa 2

"Captainsaveahoe" Lmao. but you should have been like "bitch I wasn't trying to get with you, you have a baby, hoe!" would have crushed her self esteem & would've gotten you another dick punch. is that what we're aiming for? oh

skyeyez9 24

"Ouch Bitch! You punched my Fap-Stick!"