By sleepy - 23/12/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, I was trying to read a book for school, but kept falling asleep. Following some advice from a friend I tried reading on the uncomfortable floor. Two hours later my dog woke me up by peeing on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 204
You deserved it 5 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're that tired, stop reading the book and get some sleep.

I've never read a book boring enough to make me repeatedly fall asleep.


I can sympathize with the OP. Even if I love reading a book, I tend to pass out after reading about 2-3 chapters. It's the only reason I haven't finished Gulliver's Travels.

Is this part of a condition or something, because it can't be good...

Not too bad at all! Now you got a nap in, can go shower off, and be refreshed for a new round of reading! Be happy your dog was an alarm clock :)

Teach your dog who's the boss of the house. Take him out side (if you have a fenced in backyard), tie him down, and piss on his head. After leaving soaking in your piss for a while then you can hose him down and let him back in. If you don't have a back yard, the shower is probably your only other option.

haha ouch. Im sorry! i have had some things like that happen to me to.

xenomorph 0

Take a 37-degree bath and hang the book from a string. (Use a clip-on water heater so that the water stays at 37 degrees.) If you fall asleep, you fall into the water, which automatically wakes you up. But don't do it alone--there is probably a serious risk of drowning if you do it alone.

Fratkidz 0

Your dog worships you that is why that happened! He should go for a walk and get all types of treats because he is such a good doggy.

chicagoowns 0

Take a nap or get a full night's rest, and get a little light exercise to wake yourself up while you read. Dragging yourself to exhaustion and then trying to study at the end of the night is a great way to go nuts and fail everything.

YDI FYL ! Merry Christmas and Happy all the other retarded Holidays that people celebrate FMLers ! i think i had too much egg nog with my adderall.

YDI for not house training your dog. Naw, actually FYL I remember having to do weird tricks to stay awake at school too.