
By ApolloandDixie - 23/12/2009 06:17 - United States

Today, my mom and I were going to the store. I stayed in the car while she went in. In the car next to me, there was a dog in the driver's seat barking at me. Bored, I barked back at it until I realized there was someone in the passenger's seat watching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 233
You deserved it 35 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha that's totally something I would do! FYL

Are you guys kidding? Barking at, teasing and generally harassing other people's dogs is a gas. If I had a nickel for every time I got caught teasing somebody's dog I'd probably have $1.10 easy. YDI for having a blast and loving life!


alex_vik 0

+1 Exactly what I was gonna say.

it's not idiotic. it's entertaining to provoke the dog.

I did tht be4 but to a dog in someones yard and an old guy was watching me

it's a good way to kill time when you're bored out of your mind.

StudMuffinette 17

who entertains someone elses dog??

Haha that's totally something I would do! FYL

Yeah, I do this too. I consider myself to be pretty awesome, too.

xmagicgirlxx 0

what part of barking back at a dog seems like a good idea? your dumb. even if there wasnt a passenger you would be barking at a dog...retarded.

IDKWhatHappened 0

@6 33 is right; you're retarded. @33 There should be a comma, not a period.

you must have been real bored to bark at a dog, you should've just gone into shops.

LMAO...why would you bark at a dog.. how old are we..?

Mx_Rider 6

LMAO...why would you bark at a dog.. exactly idiot ydi.

Are you guys kidding? Barking at, teasing and generally harassing other people's dogs is a gas. If I had a nickel for every time I got caught teasing somebody's dog I'd probably have $1.10 easy. YDI for having a blast and loving life!

I bark at my dog. Normally trying to get him to talk to me, because it's hilarious.