By Damn - 05/06/2012 19:36 - Canada - Saint Catharines

Today, I was trying to take my shirt off. It was an awkward fit, so I had to basically wrestle it for five minutes. The kicker was that I was giving my boyfriend a striptease. He laughed so hard and for so long that we never had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 610
You deserved it 7 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

Sometimes a funny memory is better than sex.

Ahh... Laughter truly is the best birth control!


Thats absolutely terrible and I feel incredible pain FOR you, but seriously, shouldn't that have been one of those funny "relationship moments" that u just laughed off? my exgf got stuck ina turtleneck and after I laughed...I still successfully layed the pipe :) why cldnt ur man?

robc32ca 4

Does awkward fit = way too small?

Even if it fits perfectly when it's on you usually know (if you try clothes on before buying) if something is a pain to take off. If you're going to do a strip tease you gotta wear clothes that are easy or fun to remove. Why do you think real strippers wear tear-away pants?

First time I ever heard of someone going hard and long without getting any.

I'd take laughter any day of the week..sounds like it was fun

melodywarner17 0

Maybe you need to buy a bigger shirt...

legpimple 0

It's always cheaper just to make her laugh.

papabear88 6

you will probably have plenty of sex but such a funny moment is likely to be unique