By Dave B - 25/11/2011 06:59 - Reserved

Today, I was verbally abused by a guy in a 4-wheel-drive twat-tank for listening to music on my iPod while I was "blocking the way." I was standing on the footpath waiting for a bus. At a bus stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 483
You deserved it 2 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

etienne02 2

You should have hijacked his 4-wheeler and let him wait for the bus, without an ipod

So this guy was yelling at you for standing in an "it's-okay-to-stand-here" zone? Excuse me TWO RANDOM STRANGERS, but how in the hell does OP even REMOTELY deserve this??


Don't mind him, he's just angry because he's got a tiny penis.

nelliednt 6
ArmedcrackerR6 8

What is a 4 wheel drive twat tank?

kate1238 9

Where i live we need fourwheel drive in the winter we dont have it to show off our "money" we dont even have that much money so those of you saying that need to think a little more

kate1238 9

Oh and you must live in a warm place if they are only when its muddy all the time...there is snow and ice to

country4life17 0

Just be glad he didn't run over your city ass with that "tank" of a four wheel drive

RainbowHeadache 2

^ Make way for all the butt hurt Twat Tankers.

26- There is no problem with 4x4 people. Many of us are just rednecks that need something that won't get stuck in the mud while camping. And most of the time, people like me who actually will USE a 4x4 out in the woods actually do not have the shiniest, most gorgeous vehicle in existence just to show off our money. Mostly, we have older, beat-up trucks because they're cheaper and more practical.