By Dave B - 25/11/2011 06:59 - Reserved

Today, I was verbally abused by a guy in a 4-wheel-drive twat-tank for listening to music on my iPod while I was "blocking the way." I was standing on the footpath waiting for a bus. At a bus stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 483
You deserved it 2 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

etienne02 2

You should have hijacked his 4-wheeler and let him wait for the bus, without an ipod

So this guy was yelling at you for standing in an "it's-okay-to-stand-here" zone? Excuse me TWO RANDOM STRANGERS, but how in the hell does OP even REMOTELY deserve this??


the people who said that the person deserves this are probably the twat tanks.