By nothing_nobody - 23/06/2016 01:31

Today, I was volunteering at a local hospital. I was eagerly introducing myself to all the nurses, as I would be working with them all summer. It wasn't until I got home that I discovered the giant piece of lettuce stuck in my front teeth. So much for first impressions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 599
You deserved it 1 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think a lettuce stuck in your teeth should make you worry about leaving a bad impression. It's no big deal

I feel like this more appropriately suites the "nearly FML" category. If lettuce stuck in someone's teeth has become the face of FML, there needs to be a serious quality check on this site. As for this FML: shit like this happens daily. Food stuck in your teeth has a terribly small effect on a first impression, believe it or not. I think you're thinking this whole thing over more than anyone you introduced yourself to today.


They're nurses, they probably appreciated that you eat healthy.

Hey! I'm volunteering right now! Well I'm on lunch.

On the plus side, summer is basically over anyway. So you won't have to work for them for long.

The fact that they didn't let you know that there was lettuce in your teeth means that they're the kind of people you shouldn't have to worry about giving a good impression to.

At least when there's an akward moment at work for them they can bring this up and have a laugh

Always check yourself first when trying to leave a good impression. I once had a guy try to flirt with me while a giant booger was dangling from his nose. It pays to have a little mirror with you and to know when to use it.

I volunteer at a hospital and have been doing so for a year now. The nurses are the nicest people once they get to know you, they won't care. If they seem cold at first it's because some floors are naturally suspicious of volunteers