By anonymous - 24/04/2009 19:50 - United States
Same thing different taste
Help! I need somebody!
By Anonymous - 11/07/2023 22:00
Fingers crossed
By ithinkicanmakeit - 20/08/2014 17:01 - Canada - Edmonton
By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 13:17 - United Kingdom
By Meaghan - 12/02/2013 17:41 - United States - North Myrtle Beach
By noname - 13/12/2008 05:48 - France
By Guntherdog - 27/06/2013 15:17 - United States
By blood buddies - 03/07/2014 17:53 - United States - Milford
By Oops - 18/11/2018 21:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/01/2011 04:24 - United States
The planets aligned
By Anonymous - 15/08/2022 18:00 - United States
Top comments
what is wrong with the people here? how the hell is using a tampon gonna make things better? i think her friend would rather change a pad then pull a bloody tampon out her ******. geez some people are dumb. all of you are just saying "use a tampon" but don't give any reason for why that's the better solution.

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Show it anywayerm, no. you cannot ACCURATELY predict a period. you can estimate when it's gonna come but it wont always be on time. you CANNOT skip a period. do some research before trying to say stuff. you're one dumbass shit. also, "use a tampon" WONT ******* HELP! Her best friend is gonna have to take it out of her, and that's nasty to do it when it's your own! OP, stuff like that sucks. it always comes when you've planned something for after/before you've had it >.>
You can technically skip a period, so do some research before saying something. You dumbass shit. ;) Active participation in sports, anemia, contraceptive pills, or just an irregular period can produce a "skipped" period. There's also light periods, which, when using pads, can be left for a good while.
no you can't skip a period you dumb ass bitch, not with a healthy body. people with certain condition can't have periods but there is nothing a healthy woman can do to skip a period. actively playing alot of sports can make u skip a period? and isn't a weak period or an irregular period still a period?? dumb ass
for those who r sayin no tampons think about it... she can keep it in for up to 8hrs so she can get outta the dress after the wedding n take it out?
people YES you can skip a period. If you are on the birth control pill, all you have to do is skip the days your supposed to take the placebos and go onto the next pack, then voila no period. ive done it before... although i doubt its healthy, just a way to help out with say, a honeymoon.
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Show it anywayit is possible to skip a period for a variety of reasons even on mostly healthy people. I had a bad cold a few months ago when I was supposed to get my period and I completely skipped and got my next one on time. and as for the op sucks for u hope u find a way to deal with it so yeah... sorry bout the long comment I know people hate reading these.
Lol.. most of you look about eleven so don't act like you know everything. Some birth control pills can make you skip a period. And how would a tampon help? The point of a honeymoon is to have sex and using a tampon won't change the fact that she was on her period. I suppose they could have done anal or oral or even normal (but bloody) sex. Obviously that wouldn't be the ideal honeymoon, but if they really wanted sex... And if I were her, I would have taken off the dress, change tampon/pad, and then get back in the dress without assistance.
it's called depo prevera .. you DONT HAVE periods at all. so there's your "you can stop your period" fact. and you actually can accurately predict your period.. and tampons last longer than pads.. so put on in, put on the dress, then afterwards take the dress off and change the tampon.. TA DA!! most of you girls are morons and an embarrassment to our gender!
Yes, it can be planned and, yes, it can be skipped.
oh wow..thats like my worst nightmare
that's why you go on birth control so that you can use it to safely delay or skip your period. it's part of wedding planning 101.
I was just about to say that. You can control when you have your period with birth control pills by planning months ahead of time. :)
id hate to be ur bestfriend broseph
That really sucks. I just don't understand who still uses pads after the age of 16...
because they're easier to use and cannot cause problems, also, it's personal choice with what you use. imo, only use a tampon when you're swimming and on your period. otherwise there's no need.
because its there own personal choice and i agree its way easier.
well I don't know about you but if my best friend had her period on her wedding day and needed help changing either her pad or tampon I'd rather she was wearing a pad not quite as icky as a tampon.
Well you think her friend is gonna stick a tampon in her vigina?
I do. I'm seventeen. they are incredibly uncomfortable for me..
whoever said she deserved this one wtf?

that's why you go on birth control so that you can use it to safely delay or skip your period. it's part of wedding planning 101.
It likes to come at the worst possible moments. This is going to sound gross but, if you and your new husband want to do the deed, use a female condom. And hey, at least you know your bestfriend is a true friend!