By janedoe - 12/02/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at a nursing home calling bingo numbers. One woman stood up and started making noises, so I assumed she had won and started clapping. She then fell on the floor and died of a heart attack. I essentially applauded her death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 815
You deserved it 12 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a volunteer bingo announcer? No, I don't think they have to know the symptoms of a heart attack.

omg thats just...really bad... but ultimately i feel bad for that poor ol' lady..well atleast the last thing she was doing was playinb bingo...old people love that game..


******* A! When I die, I want some applause happening for me!

Aaron_Luvz_U 9

added to my favourites! im imagining over the top chest grabbing actions from said old person and you clapping and cheering! brilliant!

carlablob 0