By tabbycacti - 30/11/2015 13:06 - Australia

Today, I was waiting at a traffic light. I saw my neighbour and her new boyfriend crossing the road, then noticed as he started grabbing his crotch, but thought nothing of it. They both then pulled down their pants and urinated in the middle of the busy intersection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 955
You deserved it 1 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me they were drunk out of their minds... Because otherwise that makes absolutely no sense.


Is there even a name for that? You should use it as inspiration to coin a new term.

Public urination is the term you are looking for.

TheDragonsGuard 19

Gonna be awkward when they give you the neighborly wave as you get home.

I feel like this is more WTF than FML...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: What the actual ****?!

A couple that pees together, stays together...?

I've seen a woman urinate while waiting for a bus so yeah... It happens. She was smacked out on drugs though.

Next time on shit that never happened.