By WorstLifeEver - 25/06/2010 00:45 - United States

Today, I was walking around in the mall when I dropped my purse. When I bent down to pick it up, some guy came up behind me, humped my ass, then ran away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 902
You deserved it 13 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tagerrun 1

omfg that would be amazing to witness I mean talk about epic mount! ;) (wow refence there)

niggawtf17 0

i would have kicked his ass !

such an ass guys at school do that to me all the time...guys are just horney douche bags

superbored104 0

hahaha wow, your life sucks 1. because it happened and 2. because its funny when you read it

sizzle1012 0

that is classic. haha if i saw that i would be laughing so hard i would have pissed myself. i would dare my friends to do that. then take pics. you would be famous on facebook. i think you should look around on fb cuz i would post it. and anyone else would too. well anyone with a sense of humor.

that made me laugh too. sry but at lease now u have a funny story

That's what you get for bending down the wrong way !!!

tigerlily3 0

Are you kidding me? She deserves it for bending over? that's the most asinine thing I've ever heard. maybe that guy shouldn't be a total dick instead.