By getslostinherownhouse - 14/04/2009 19:12 - Spain

Today, I was walking down the street and I saw my brother on the other side of the road. He lives overseas and always told me he would visit when I least expected it. When I saw him, I got so excited I jumped on his back, screaming his name. It wasn't my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 110
You deserved it 61 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, its an honest mistake. you probably miss him so much you think everyone is him we've all done it anyway. lol


greasy66 0

At least he has a good story to tell.

hahah everyone definitely has those moments!

Twiiggy 0

Haha I hate mistaking people, it's so embarrassing.

alex_vik 0

Wow, weird. And #3 is apparently stupid or reading impaired. Dump who?

Aww poor thing. You must really miss your brother. :( I hope he does come to visit you soon.

pushinglimits_fml 0

ive done similar stuff before...xD "omg!!! HEYY I havnt seen you in forever!!" "Do I know you?"

Now, what is your brother always telling you about your over-exuberance? ha. Funny, but I guess not really an FML, as this shit happens to tons of people. But, if anyone has strong feelings about it, they could try to moderate. Take a stand, hell, I dunno.

i think #3 commented the wrong FML. haha. Fail