By cassidy_smith12 - 24/08/2013 14:55 - United States - Medina

Today, I was walking down the street when a man stole my purse. He then opened the purse, threw up in it, and gave it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 517
You deserved it 3 568

Same thing different taste


Maybe he found your purse sickeningly unattractive

fritzie2011 5

Well, it certainly could've been a lot worse. It's easier to clean it out along with your things than it is to get it all back..

sorry to hear about ur purse but dont take it so rough its not necessarily the worst thing

You know that bag/purse that caught your eye the other day at the shops? Well, He just gave you a legitimate reason to go and buy it.

And the WTF moment of the day goes to......OP!

incoherentrmblr 21