By cassidy_smith12 - 24/08/2013 14:55 - United States - Medina

Today, I was walking down the street when a man stole my purse. He then opened the purse, threw up in it, and gave it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 527
You deserved it 3 570

Same thing different taste


Bitch. I would have chased him down and poured that vomit on his head!

perdix 29

He probably planned to rob you, but when he saw your "YOLO" wallet and your "Swaggy" sunglass case, it made him puke and force you to have your stuff back.

ninjuh_wingman 29

I think this is one of the few times where someone steals something of yours and you wouldn't want it back.

papabear88 6

now, that's an idea for next time I can't find a public toilet in due time

olpally 32

I'd rather have him puke in the street. Lol. Go chase him and dump it on his head. people suck.

skyeyez9 24

What the **** was his malfunction?! Why would he do that?

tralala453 22

He just needed a place to throw up in...

Really! Come on, OP, be more generous next time and offer your hat! It's hard to hold the sides of the purse open, doncha know?

Wait what? Was really your purse the best thing for a "barf bag" seriously there wasn't a trash can around at all or for that matter an alleyway (if you were outside) and how does she deserve this........I better quit before this takes a page and a half to fill this comment....

LilFlutter 10

Usually when you walk down the street, it is outside. ;-) But, yeah, he really should've just thrown up onto the sidewalk/street, into a sewer grate, onto any grass/mulch/tree area, etc. Even if they were indoors, it would be better to throw up on the floor!