By cassidy_smith12 - 24/08/2013 14:55 - United States - Medina

Today, I was walking down the street when a man stole my purse. He then opened the purse, threw up in it, and gave it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 527
You deserved it 3 570

Same thing different taste


UnluckyGenius 21

He must have had a "fun" night of drinking to lead into that.

I dunno why people are thumbing this down. It seems perfectly valid to me that a partially drunk man would do this.

It's because "fun" is in quotation marks for no reason, lol.

Hopefully nothing is ruined with his disgusting throw up. Ugh. I wouldn't touch anything in it after that.

Then what would it matter if anything was damaged if you wouldn't touch it anyway?

For Op's sake, I hope nothing happened to the stuff. If this personally happened to me, I wouldn't want to touch anything. Was that hard to understand?

Merrqe 11

Slap the bitch in the face, take her Gucci bag and the north face off her back. Jab her if she act.

It must be impossible to play up people's comments nowadays.. Sigh. No, 51, your comment was not hard to understand, I was simply making a joke. Pardon me for having more of an obvious sense of humor than yourself.

I have a sense of humour. You just don't joke very well. :^)

Shoud have smacked him with the purse and then emptied the vomit on him.

LOL ... ewww that's disgusting. lol. I wonder if that's even a crime.

Now that's an expensive emesis basin.

Nurd4lyfe 7

I hope he at least had the decency to remove your wallet and phone beforehand

perdix 29

Hey, free vomit! You don't get that every day :D

Some people are just so generous! It brings a tear to my eye....

perdix 29

#25, I really admire people who give until it hurts ... dry heaves can be a bitch!

LilFlutter 10

When life gives you lemons (hey, free lemons!), you make lemonade, but what do you make when life gives you vomit?!

Get so disgusted that you vomit back of course. It's a product that helps you make more of itself.

At least he was kind enough to give it back... But yeah gross