By xkellybabyyx - 25/11/2009 01:05 - United States

Today, I was walking through the streets with my best friend, feeling confident in my new skinny jeans. My friend said, "you really should be wearing a thong with those pants, your underwear line is showing". I was wearing a thong, those lines were just my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 907
You deserved it 40 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do overweight people always try to wear tightfitting clothes? Just becouse you managed to squeeze into something that's a couple of sizes smaller then you really are will not make you look good or thin, it will make you look like a stuffed sossage! Seriously unflattering, you'd look much better and skinnier in loose fitting clothes designed for your shape and size... just a tip, take it or leave it!

Moral of the story? Don't wear skinny jeans.


If I ever get that fat, I will kill myself.

Oh please, most fat girls just claim to be "curvy". The curvy girls I know aren't fat, it's the structure of their bones that give off the hour glass shape.

AndreaHatesYou1 0

YDI for being fat and wearing SKINNY jeans. You also deserve it for not knowing your size.

MiseryAlice 0

Skinny jeans are fine. They just dont look good on some people, like fat people. Just like Some clothes for super curvy people wouldn't look good on super skinny people. So OP, you found out skinny jeans aren't for you. Either don't wear them, or loose some weight.

fbp6277 0

You deserve it for wearing skinny jean. Theyre unflattering for anyone.

bibbit 0

if you're that fat, you shouldn't wear skinny jeans. or even regular jeans for that matter.

Dude, who the hell gave you a computer and keyboard?

immastarr 0

holy shittt!! ur probly mad cuz u simply cant wear em. i mean all skinny jeans are is pretty much straight leg pants!! CHILL

Aren't Skinny Jeans ment for really skinney girls to GIVE them curves?