By lookbothways - 06/10/2010 00:38 - United States
cantthink123 tells us more.
I'm the OP - just to let you know, I'm a young girl in my 20's, so I generally try to be careful in high crime areas. If that makes me a bad person, then okay. I was crossing the street from one side, and the road curved so I couldn't see the car coming. The guy was on the other side of the road. I'm fine now, I was only in the hospital for a couple of hours, broken leg and a couple of stitches.
Top comments
you deserve it for stereotyping. not everyone is a creeper.
Cabbit hunny. She is just trying to state that not all of New Jersey is 'dirty'. You do not need to go all ke$ha on her
34, I don't know what planet you live on, but EVERYONE is a creeper. No exceptions.
This is why you should be in the kitchen makin sammichs! YDI jk tehe
Ouch!! I hope your okay. I understand why you would ignore him but sometimes you should check if he looks suspicious or not and actually maybe listen him and not look at him maybe?
I would thumb this up sevral times. Im not poor but op sounds like a total stuck up b*tch for being so stereotypical thinking all poor people are bad.
Are you writing from the heaven?
Not just heaven, THE heaven. Is that the one where all the cool people go?
Ha! If OP was dead my guess would be hell before heaven if FML was his website option.
Cabbit hunny. She is just trying to state that not all of New Jersey is 'dirty'. You do not need to go all ke$ha on her.
lmao 41
This happens to be karma. Don't make your girlfriend cry by parking in the expectant mother spot when you know she's freaking out. -The Fluffs
Hey fluff! did you partake in that catnip I gave you? Your comment makes no sense. *shaves fluffs fur off*
Pay more attention to your surroundings.
YDI for living in Dirty Jersey. What do you expect? There's still hope, move to PA while you can.
woah woah, not all of jersey is dirty. I'm initially from jersey and it rly bothers me when people call it dirty. down south, where I'm from, is all farms and not dirty. unless you're speaking of Newark, fine.. which is the same as some parts of New York or any other state.
Blah, blah, blah 20. Calm down.
Being from PA myself, I must second this. Nothing personal. :)
Coming from a person in a small rural PA town, I second this.
Just for the record, I've been to PA and I ******* hated every second of it. And I'm originally from Jersey.
Wow, I hope you're okay!
tut tut tut..... crack head!

Watch where you're going.
Are you writing from the heaven?