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By Nomoresandwish - 29/11/2009 08:55 - United States

Today, when I had a go at my husband for spending way too much time in front of the TV, he pointed the remote control at me while miming turning down the volume in order to make me shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 218
You deserved it 13 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

faxe 0

Your husband is a hero to nagged husbands everywhere.

loool xDD u should try leaving him some peace, every man wants their free time with no women and no work but that was funny xDDD


Lol i do this all the time, on my remote i have 5 buttons. 1. Standby 2. Mute 3. Cook 4. Clean 5. Sex What buttons do you guys have? share with us Thankyou in advance

and why? blasting out at her husband isnt going to solve shit to begin with. if she had a proper discussion with him the outcome might be different

HAHAHA I just point the remote at my boyfriend and go MUTE

Forn2 0

My buttons are: sex 2.slow sex 3.Beach sex sex

yall forgot about the absolutely essential button: Make a sammwich

I love how everyone's first idea in this society is divorce, obviously the relationship has hit a wall but your first reaction should be to work the problem and solve it, not to enter costly legal proceedings and even more hurt feelings breaking up something you chose for life in the first place. I just hate the way people assume now they'll have 2 to 3 marriages in life, for Christ sake date longer people.

How long should he be for me to date him Mr. 85?

Reyo 2

um...then shut up? Seriosly, what the hell is yelling going to do? All that does is make you sound like a steriotypical housewife.

1. sex 2. sammich that's all u really need

loool xDD u should try leaving him some peace, every man wants their free time with no women and no work but that was funny xDDD

kinda funny? kinda hilarious! I would not be able to be mad after that. if anything it should have lightened the mood. I like him.

Time to hide the remote and stop making his dinner. Also, I hear couches are nice and uncomfortable for men this time of year - make him sleep on it!

dspadres 0

*points remote at you* Did it work?

every husband on the face of the planet has done this at some point. not an FML.

faxe 0

Your husband is a hero to nagged husbands everywhere.

Wives do it, too. This was supposed to be under #5, not #6. :P

how rude, divorce!! He obviously cares more about the t.v. than you -.-

Sargasm 4

Newsflash: he's probably watching TV to get away from your nagging.

Newsflash: Who said she was nagging? Just because she was complaining this time doesn't mean it's a constant thing she complains about. She has a right to tell him she thinks he watches too much tv. I bet you're one of those people who thinks that because someone complains at you about something once or even a few times means they're being naggy. Instead of writing someone off as naggy, consider what they're actually saying.

"having a go" at someone doesn't exactly imply "honey, i'd appreciate it if you spent a little less time watching TV."

Sargasm 4

What #13 said. #11: "I bet you're one of those people who thinks that because someone complains at you about something once or even a few times means they're being naggy." Sorry, looks like you just lost a bet. And stop nagging.

pipp360 0

shut up @11 u look like a ******* ginger

Antivirus_fml 0

WTF! If he want to watch the TV, LET HIM! He can do whatrever he want, dont try to rule him. I say FHL. :/

Absolutely, STFU and get back to cleaning!

ok let's just relax 21. shut up for a bit

TedFreakingBundy 0

Why were you out of the kitchen?