By ayeayeboy19 - 11/09/2014 14:57 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I was watching "My Strange Addiction". The woman featured ate rocks. While judging her weird habit, I realised I was chewing on a coat-hanger the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 948
You deserved it 14 257

Same thing different taste


that means you are too much involved in that show...

At least you weren't actually eating it though yeah?

Rocks are very filling and easy to catch, plus practical. You can wash your clothes on them before dinner. I then use a coat- hanger as a toothpick.

I wouldn't say it's completely abnormal…unless this is a regular thing. In that case, you two should get along just fine.

sammieshortcake 15

LOVE that show. My favorite was the middle aged man who was obsessed with looking like Justin Beiber.

I've done this before...except I did eat the coat hanger a little bit. Not a lot of it just a little few pieces

Just remember there's always someone way more weird than you.

trumpet8 6

You should sign up for the show