By ouch - 28/04/2012 06:54 - United States - Fullerton

Today, I was with a friend at the mall and I made eye contact and smiled at the worker at a smoothie stand that I went on a date with last year. He saw me, and then ducked down behind the register, where he remained while his coworker awkwardly leaned over him to take my order and money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 851
You deserved it 3 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make it more awkward and have a conversation with him while he's down there.


That means that he really wants you, OP. Go for it, girl. ... I wonder what was going through his head. "If I can't see her, she can't see me!"?

Must've been a night to remember - or not

Michael_92 20

Whatever happened he sure as hell remembers...enough to make him hide.

Should've told him to get off his knees and b a man! Haha make it awkward for him

Sounds like he was blowing his coworker....

KM96 24

I'm thinking you're the one to blame on this OP... He should be the one posting this on here.