By NoFriends - 02/08/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was with my mom and my boyfriend at lunch. My phone rings and my mom excitedly says "You have friends!" As I'm about to answer it, she pulls out her phone from under the table and says "Kidding, it's just me." My boyfriend starts cracking up, and they exchange a high five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 962
You deserved it 7 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahaha your mom is hilarious....relax, it was just a joke.

thats awsome they're the cooloest people ever to hang out with, and at least your momma and boyfriend dont hate each other, geez be grateful


That sucks because they are mean, but at the same time it's way more lonely to be single and popular.

fucklifeee 0
burnquist764 0

I'm getting sick of these fmls that are really jokes. Seriously, get a sense of humor and post something worth while next time.

alexandriakid 0

Haha, this is NOT an FML. Sounds like you have the best mom and boyfriend ever :)

mehwhateverr 0

This is my favorite FML. Your mom and boyfriend sound hilarious. XD

your mom OWNS!!! and it seems like your bf does too since it seems like he and your mom get along quite well together...

This isn't an FML nor a YDI. It's just funny!! You should be happy that your mom and boyfriend are getting along. And besides, if you have a boyfriend, chances are you must have friends. It was just an innocent joke. :)

k_cool 0