By NoFriends - 02/08/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was with my mom and my boyfriend at lunch. My phone rings and my mom excitedly says "You have friends!" As I'm about to answer it, she pulls out her phone from under the table and says "Kidding, it's just me." My boyfriend starts cracking up, and they exchange a high five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 962
You deserved it 7 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahaha your mom is hilarious....relax, it was just a joke.

thats awsome they're the cooloest people ever to hang out with, and at least your momma and boyfriend dont hate each other, geez be grateful


teeda 1

I think this shows a sense of humour. I hope you laughed too.

thelonelylurker 0

That's a pretty awesome mom and boyfriend you have!

irrelevantxx 0
jeanii_fml 4
kellster 2

Well, did you start ignoring all your friends once you got yourself a relationship? Your mom was just showing off for your boyfriend. Pity he didn't stand up for you.

flyingpan8 0

your mom is a bitch. i would have taken the fork and gouged her eye out and made your boyfriend eat the eye (for laughing and high-fiving your bitch mom) if i were you.... but, the bottom line remains that i am not you, so all i will do is agree with the folk who say "fyl"... you can't change your insensitive bitch of a mother, but you can definitely change your boyfriend...and you should.

luv2laugh242 0

haha very funny tho, you should just laugh it off

Mr_Horrible 0

That sucks for you, so FYL. But I have to admit, that's pretty damn funny.

that's funny I would prolly do the same to my gf

At least you don't have to worry about them not getting along with each other.

brie3 0

Seriously, she should feel lucky. My moms always so hard on my bffs...

definitely. your mom and boyfriend seem pretty cool, so calm down and get a sense of humor too