By elguapo3745 - 29/02/2016 18:20 - United States - Louisville

Today, I was woken by the sound of music coming from my living room at 1:30 am. My cat had managed to turn on the stereo and turn the volume all the way up. Just as I fell asleep again, there was a knock at the door. The police showed up about a noise complaint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 443
You deserved it 2 000

elguapo3745 tells us more.

elguapo3745 16

I havent even met my neighbors, now i dont want to

Top comments

Nice! Normally, just Sting shows up in response to noise complaints made against me, so it's cool that you get the whole band.

Starshrek 11

Tell the the truth and hope they believe you.... Just kidding you're ******


Were you able to explain the situation to them?

Starshrek 11

Tell the the truth and hope they believe you.... Just kidding you're ******

askullnamedbilly 33

Dunno how it is in the US, but here the police showing up for a noise complaint is relatively harmless unless they have to come back because you didn't turn the volume down after they told you to. I'm assuming that since OP was trying to go to sleep, they turned up to a completely silent house, so OP should be fine.

i dont think my cat did it is going to work

Unfortunately, "My cat did it" doesn't sound like a good excuse.

Tell your cat to quit pussyfooting around, damn it!

Nice! Normally, just Sting shows up in response to noise complaints made against me, so it's cool that you get the whole band.

PePziNL 20

I guess he is watching you witch every step you take?

It's really sad that a large portion of this community doesn't understand this reference :/

Sting showed up at my house once. I had to tell him don't stand so close to me, but he said he was just so lonely since Roxanne left.

Looks like your cat throws a hell of a party when you're asleep.

If he does this while you're in the house, just imagine the things he does when you're at work!