By Anonymous - 16/08/2016 08:26 - United States - Wasilla

Today, I was woken up by my dad screaming that the ship was sinking. I started freaking out before I realized that I was sleeping on my couch at home and was not in fact on a ship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 880
You deserved it 1 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And if you decide to have children someday, you will do the same.


Wait, was your dad sleep talking? Drunk? High? Having a flashback? Suffering from dementia? This is the most mysterious FML I've ever read!

OP's dad wasn't sleeping, OP was. Dad waked OP up by shouting that the ship was sinking, presumably as a prank.

You've gotta give him points for creativity. It's actually kind of beautiful.

FYL for being woken up by your screaming father. But YDI for thinking you were on a ship.

andrmac 25

I'm assuming he wasn't thrilled about you crashing on the couch so he decided to sink your ship.

Maybe he was watching The Titanic for the first time?

Achuu 9

Probably the best dad joke I've read

IndridWarm 23

Once I woke up during a small earthquake and (influenced by the dream I had had) thought I was in world war 2 getting bombed by Germans.

I don't blame you. Most people wake up confused when things are being yelled and whatnot. Hell, when my girlfriend take a nap at my house, she usually wakes up asking where she is lol