By Mikabe - 14/02/2011 18:51 - Sweden

Today, I was working as an intern at a day care. One of the kids touched my chest a couple of times, and I jokingly told him that he shouldn't touch old and ugly women like me. So he started groping the little girls instead. When the other teachers asked him why, he said I had told him to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 417
You deserved it 12 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Word of advice: don't make those kinds of jokes around little kids. They won't understand!


Did you ever think of stoping this b4 the other teachers came in, DUMB!

Well, what did you tell him like that for? And why are you surprised that he took your advice?

hey it's not all her fault I mean the kids probaly itailian. new pauly d in da house!!!!!

no1xaskedxy0u 5

Obviously you you don't have experience with children in that age group if you thought that was an appropriate joke. No wonder you're an intern because a lot of daycares flat out hire people while they finish school before they become a real teacher.

what the hell were you thinking? tell him to stop it a daycare they won't get your joke

It's natural for boys to do that even at that age. My little brother is 8 years younger than I am and he would reach out to touch my breasts when he was 4 and I was 12. You just have to nip that in the bud early on and make sure they know it is NOT okay. I kicked him HARD where it hurts and I felt bad later, but hey, I was 12, and he never did it again, so it worked.