By superspy3214 - 04/11/2015 03:24 - United States

Today, I was working at a movie theater when I was called to clean what can only be described as "Dog Shit Surprise" out of a theater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 169
You deserved it 1 442

superspy3214 tells us more.

OP here, first of all I'm still in school making A's in my honors courses and secondly it was neither human nor dog shit, apparently a guy brought his kid into the theater to see Paranormal Activity and the kid got so scared he threw up then dumped his popcorn and mozzarella sticks on the ground

Top comments

I always hate how much the theaters charge for Dog Shit Surprise, so I sneak my own in.

#26 someone told op to stay in school which is why I guess op mentioned their grades.


I've had to do the same thing at Home Depot

why is this person being downvoted? I really don't understand the fml community sometimes

Who in their right mind would bring a kid to see Paranormal Activity?

What a coincidence. Today is my first day working at a theater.......i am no longer looking forward to it

I work at our local movie theater, and about a month ago I was sweeping the main hallway and there was human crap on the carpet. We saw on video an older man running full speed to the bathroom. It was as horrible as it sounds.

cheeology 22

I feel the pain OP. I may of not had to clean vomit or shit, but I work at a sketchy 7-11 location, we clean up bodily fluids (blood,vomit,urine) way more than we should.

You're number one at cleaning up number two!

Cleaning theaters sucks. I had to do it when I worked at one. Such futility that you leave it clean with no stickiness, and in just 30 minutes, it's as filthy as a bed in a cat house.