By superspy3214 - 04/11/2015 03:24 - United States

Today, I was working at a movie theater when I was called to clean what can only be described as "Dog Shit Surprise" out of a theater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 169
You deserved it 1 442

superspy3214 tells us more.

OP here, first of all I'm still in school making A's in my honors courses and secondly it was neither human nor dog shit, apparently a guy brought his kid into the theater to see Paranormal Activity and the kid got so scared he threw up then dumped his popcorn and mozzarella sticks on the ground

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I always hate how much the theaters charge for Dog Shit Surprise, so I sneak my own in.

#26 someone told op to stay in school which is why I guess op mentioned their grades.


I always hate how much the theaters charge for Dog Shit Surprise, so I sneak my own in.

Paranormal Activity? Someone got the dog shit scared out of them.

So watching paranormal activity turns humans into dogs?

If it's out of a theater, this should be none of ya business, or am I dum?

why the **** was there a dog in the theater?

Maybe the service dog went and the owner couldn't see it.

Isn't a "dog shit surprise" when someone brings dog shit somewhere as a prank?

Kevinmeowbeanz 22

Which is actually quite offensive to people familiar with dog shit surprise as a sexual position.

Better than a 'cow shit surprise' trust me...

LadyLuck93 20

And there's a dog in the theaters because?

OP here, first of all I'm still in school making A's in my honors courses and secondly it was neither human nor dog shit, apparently a guy brought his kid into the theater to see Paranormal Activity and the kid got so scared he threw up then dumped his popcorn and mozzarella sticks on the ground

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#26 someone told op to stay in school which is why I guess op mentioned their grades.

I had to clean explosive diarrhea off a wall at the theater I work at. If that makes you feel better at all :P

Just the wall? You lucky dog. At my first ever job, we had a lady who got it on her theater seat, all over the floor leading from her theater to the restroom, all over two stalls (walls, floors, toilet paper, door latches), all over two sinks, and the mirror for good measure.

meli1195 31

how does that even happen? was she scooping it up on everything?

#41 and #29 Forget trying to figure out the secrets to the universe, I can't even begin to fathom how humans work.

I too work in a movie theater and I know how it feels to clean up random stuff ?

I can only imagine that my "accident" clean up was something along the lines of They almost made it to the toilet, took their pants off, and exploded.

48, pretty much. It was like she was finger painting with it. It was all pretty horrifying. When asked why she didn't go to the bathroom when she felt the diarrhea coming on, she said it was because she didn't want to miss the exciting part of the movie.

I didn't have to clean it up but I one saw a grown woman crap in the hallway at the call center I worked all and trail it ten feet to the bathroom like just a massive amount of crap.... I was mind blown as to how a grown person could do such a thing.

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Dog shit if you're lucky. More like a patron probably did it