By anonymous - 28/05/2013 00:56 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I was working at a place where if you're tipped, you sing. After a lady paid for her ice cream, she pulled out 5 dollars. Thinking it was a tip, I took it, and sang the song. She didn't mean to tip me. I was stopped by the woman slapping me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 864
You deserved it 15 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxXCrissyXxX 12

What do you mean by "took it"? Did you just snatch it from her, or did she hand it to you? That is the difference between fyl and ydi.


you wait til money is GIVEN to don't take it.

Best to ask first, before grabbing the money. YDI

You work at cold stone just say that.

kikks_xx 10

No OP shouldn't have just said "I work at cold stone". Not everywhere is America. It would have been extremely confusing for people who are not from there.

Kimmy___888 8

Thank you! I'm so f*cking tired of people just ASSUMING EVERYONE IS FROM AMERICA! The world is not America!!!!

CharresBarkrey 15

And not everyone knows that Coldstone employees have to sing when tipped. OP worded it perfectly.

There are other places that make its employee sing or perform when tipped.

Xquisite1 28

They have the same thing in Baltimore, it's called the Fudgery.

I'm American and I didn't know this.

Did your eyes turn into dollar signs before you snatched the 5 dollars?

Because in America people are enslaved by Restaurant chains to work against there will. Guy should be, and probably is, grateful to have a job.

Give back the change and see if you get anything back for now on..,

meherm 11

Why would you take it out of her hand? Why didn't you just wait until she handed it to you before singing?

You mean you snatched the 5$? if so then YDI, if she handed it to you then what a bish o.o

Did you make sure to punch her before you took the cash?