By thosedamnkids - 22/01/2012 05:09 - United States

Today, I was working at Staples and organizing some notebooks. All of a sudden, I jumped up because of a sharp pain in my back. A little girl had grabbed a stapler and stapled my back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 358
You deserved it 2 646

Same thing different taste


Why does this have any "YDI"s? What could he have done to prevent it?

smilesalot34779 4

Well, you do work at staples

xXMudkipNoobXx 7

Drop that bitch with a holepuncher

Bludmagnus 13

Some parents should pay for what they allow their kids to do. End of story.

HunterAlpha1 8

how about making the KIDS pay for what they do? that way they learn a lesson and won't do it again.

parents these days need to teach their damn kids to be more respectful!

GetTheFuckOut 7

Ever try chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate pudding and that Nesquik powder shit? ...******* amazing.

cindykitty 0

I would **** that girl up if she did that to me

jessicawuvsya 0

Talk about getting stabed in the back or stapled