By romea244 - 14/08/2011 08:17 - United States

Today, I was working on my new house and I was taking out a large cactus. While picking up the pieces to throw away, I noticed a spider on my forearm. Without thinking, I swiped at the spider with a piece of the cactus. I missed the spider, not my forearm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 660
You deserved it 27 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spiders. gotta hate those little bitches

glutgyoogle 6

I hate when the spider wins....


Isn't it weird how sometimes we completely forget something is in our hand when we freak out! Hahah

YDI for being an idiot. Karma sucks doesn't it?

I hate spiders... useless creatures...

After 72 hours of surgery it pulled through

yikes i hate when that happens to me.....

Soulcatcherteej 6

I totally thought you were talking about Minecraft...

jessiejess020 0

Can't tell if trolling or just very stupid

Are you talking about minecraft or real life?