By Sam - 24/06/2011 04:46 - Canada

Today, I was working the drive-thru at McDonalds, and as I handed out a Diet coke to the customer, the man started growling and yelled "HULK SMASH!" He smashed the cup with two fists and drove off. I was drenched in soda. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 939
You deserved it 4 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you gotta find the humor in this man, that's probably the funniest thing you'll ever see in a drive thru.


well there is a place for people like that

A "man" you say? Sounds like a teen...

Zacisaurus 3

hahaha best ever!!! sucks to be you!

EmilyFelton98 0

Hulk No Like McDonalds Soda...

I'm calling bullshit, only because how would the soda fly upwards and hit you? Assuming he punched the sides of the cup

KBip11 0

yes haven't you ever seen a hulk smash??? it's where you smash something from both side with your fists.