By Anonymous - 08/09/2011 19:51 - United States
Same thing different taste
Handle with care
By Anonymous - 05/01/2025 15:00 - United States
Food poisoning is back on the menu!
By James - 06/05/2023 06:00 - Australia
By Sara - 27/05/2024 09:00 - United Kingdom - Blackpool
By Sam - 24/06/2011 04:46 - Canada
By Username - 13/11/2010 00:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/11/2009 14:31 - Denmark
By stephiexbabexx - 15/01/2010 21:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/02/2010 16:28 - United States
No third base for you
By Anonymous - 26/03/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom - Wakefield
By blegh - 16/01/2009 04:57 - Switzerland
Top comments
Dip spit smells terrible. You should have noticed.
Thats why I don't let my friends do that shit in my car.
Nasty! Throw his dip spit cup in his face. Then brush your teeth..
What's your favorite burger joint.
47- You profile picture really fits your comment. XD
Dave chapelle reference FTW!
My 5-yr old nephew did this once, though it was a Pepsi can. You thought there was projectile vomiting in The Exorcist? Kiddos don't sniff before they sip. If you gotta dip, fine, go for it. Just get rid of your spit cans after, for the love of all that's holy!
I've drank it on accident.. NASTY.
There are so many ways to avoid this that it's making my head hurt to try to come up with ANY plausible scenario where a person of average intelligence makes this mistake. OP was in his own car and the spit was OP's friend so I must assume OP let the friend borrow the car or else OP would clearly have been aware of the dip bottle if not already disposed of it. In this case either the friend brought his own bottle or used one of OP's from the car. OP assumed the bottle had soda in it so unless the friend dumped out a bottle the OP was saving (for when it was nice and old/flat/warm) then OP just grabbed a bottle with no idea where it came from (it's his own car for crying out loud, he should know!) and smell-blindly gulped it down, thus HDI.
I almost did that once, close call!! Gotta love boyfriends that leave dip bottles everywhere!
Dip is chewable tobacco, & it makes you spit a lot. They drank someone's tobacco spit
You do not chew dip, you chew Chew, which is a different kind of smokeless tobacco. You suck on dip, by placing it in between your lip and gums, or gums and cheek ect. I replied to this earlier but it was not posted on this comment for some reason. I'm speaking from personal experience as a dipper, and a Texan.
22- Dont your gums and insides of your mouth get ****** up from doing that?
43- yeah they do, that's why I don't dip obsessively.
Ew, you do dip? You know that ruins your mouth, right?
Well in the south you date your sisters as well!
You are nasty! I'm Texan and I can't stand that!
Cigars have more swag than smelly dip
No way you can chew dip unless you really wanna get sick and throw up for hours on in. You pack dip in your lip and suck on it without swallowing it. Once you have enough spit built up, you spit it out and start over. I'm speaking from experience. I just recently quit dipping. I'm live in the country out in Louisiana.
Have fun with your Lung Cancer
when your dip, you put a it between your lips and gum. there's fiberglass in it, which cuts your lip, allowing nicotine into your system. the dip juice is saliva and tobacco juice, which gives it that nasty taste, especially after it's been sitting @159 since you dont smoke it, nothing gets into your lungs, thus making it impossible to get lung cancer
I think I threw up a little in my mouth... that sucks!
Copenhagen, what a wad of flavor.... Please tell me I'm not the only person on this site that listens to Robert Earl Keen.
Hell ya if you are from Texas it is a sin not to!!!! love that song!
Mmm good old brown water! I Bet that tasted as fresh as a unicorns fart!
You do not chew dip. Chew is tobacco you chew. Dip, you place in your lip or by your gums and essentially suck on it. It's hard to explain... I'm just speaking from experience as a dipper and a Texan.
I always thought unicorn fart would taste like caramel.
No a unicorn fart tastes like rainbows. Get it right.
so... skittles?
Good ol' Texas gotta love it! And thank you for correcting the world on the difference between dip and chew I can't count how many times I have had to do that!
When I read it the first time, I thought it said dip SHIT. I couldn't even comprehend that..
lol, ydi for being friends with a dipper. Dip; all the cancer of cigarettes with the added benefit of looking like trash
That "looking like trash" is an opinion. In the South, such as Texas, dipping is much more social acceptable than cigarettes. If you want to look like trash, go around smoking, polluting the air, and pissing off those around you who don't smoke.
Have you ever talked to someone while they've dipped? Unless they are relatively new to the process, you won't even see the dip at all, and in some cases, you won't even be able to tell that someone is dipping.
He is anything BUT trashy, thank you. I don't know your definition of "trashy", but dipping isn't, especially here in the south. a bad habit? maybe, but if dipping is considered trashy to you, I would hate to see what else you believe is trashy. I'm pretty sure you're at fault for some type of habit. it's no worse than drinking or smoking. in fact, it's probably more respectable than either of them, in the case that you're not plastered & stripping or blowing smoke into people's faces.
I got 5 years of dipping under my belt and since day one I never spit the juice or the dip out
So it's not trashy if your not spitting it and smoking I'd like to see who dies more from smoking or chewing
Dusthawg, you are lying out your ass if you say you've never spit it out. Dip contains fiberglass, that if swallowed WILL cut up your stomach, and WILL make you regurgitate it.
Dipping is somewhat safer than smoking. No respiratory illnesses like COPD or emphysema. No lung cancer. There is mouth and throat cancer though.
Kudos to him for serving his country, but yeah, dipping makes him trashy.
Being a non smoker, I have to say I prefer the second hand smoke to having to talk to someone with a lip-full of dip. They sound half retarded (size depending) and t's so disgusting when they pause to spit.
Actually I do swallow it and skoal doesn't contain fibre glass copenhagen does
132- you must 'dip' pouches then, which makes you a pussy. And there's still fiber glass in pouches, but you don't ever touch the actual tobacco. That's how you get the tobacco in your system, it won't get in your blood stream without the fiber glass making minute cuts in your lip/gums.

Dip spit smells terrible. You should have noticed.
I think I threw up a little in my mouth... that sucks!