By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 14:18 - United States

Today, I was wrapping Christmas presents for various people; 17 to be exact. It wasn't until I placed the last present on top of the stack that I realized I didn't put gift tags on any of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 034
You deserved it 40 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just think! you get to unwrap them all! it's like Christmas early! or you could just open a little piece, figure out who it's to, and put a bow on top of the hole you made.

I did that once, with alot more presents. It took hours to unwrap them, check them, get new paper and then tag them. I guess its just a lesson to be more organised?


hope u forgot to take off the price tags too! haha!

Surely you could just take some small scissors, carefully cut through the sellotape at one end, unfold the paper and have a look inside to see what each one is, then stick it back up? Seriously, it's not rocket science!

this is SO fake. how can u "forget" to put the present in the paper WHILE u are wraping it?? stop with the bullshit fake fml's

PedoBearTrap 4

#64 its not that they forgot to put the present in the paper, its that they forgot to put labels on the paper stating which gift was for who, and now that they are wrapped, it would be difficult to figure out which was which. FYL, but at least its manageable.

ohmywows 0

wow girl, you seem to have posted a lot FMLs. does your life suck that bad? or do you just enjoy to make up fake FMLs to make people think that your life sucks. you got issues

SillyPoop 0

The easiest thing to do is open it a lil bit and that little spot you opened it at you stick the sticker tags on it...looks like nothing ever happened!

I do that too, every year about this time. Thank you for posting this, because otherwise I might have re-forgotten my tendency to do that this year.

heh heh heh, i do that every year too. I just try and work out from the shape of them which one's which. This year I will remember not to do that, probably because of your FML today. See? something good came out of it. :D

Been there, done that. Not with 17 but with like three presents. Still sucks...